
Monographs + Journal Articles + Book Chapters + Book Reviews + Commentaries/Op-eds


MacLeavy, J., Lim, K. F. and Watson, A. (forthcoming in 2024) Economic Geography: The Basics. Contracted by Routledge.

Lim, K. F. (2019). On Shifting Foundations: State Rescaling, Policy Experimentation and Economic Restructuring in post-1949 China. Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers Book Series. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781119344599.

Horesh, N. and Lim, K. F. (2017) An East Asian Challenge to Western Neoliberalism: Critical Perspectives on the ‘China Model’. Routledge Studies on Comparative Asian Politics. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138926745.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Lim, K. F. (accepted & forthcoming). Peasant mobilization, the ‘land question’ and spatial egalitarianism in an urbanizing China: a genealogical assessment and a new research agenda. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Lim, K. F. (2023). On the rationale and implications of China’s RMB internationalization: A global historical perspective. Journal of Global History 18(2), 304-325. Download

Lim, K. F. & Limbach, K. (2023). From the city of steel to Germany’s ‘China City’: Economic restructuring, the EU-China transcontinental railway, and infrastructure-led development in Duisburg. Regional Studies 57(9), 1731-1746. Download

Lim, K. F. & Su, X. (2023). Making markets ‘decisive’: a firm-level evaluation of state-led development in the China–Myanmar border region. Journal of Economic Geography 23(2), 397-418. Download

Su, X., & Lim, K. F. (2023). Capital accumulation, territoriality, and the reproduction of state sovereignty in China: Is this “new” state capitalism? Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(3), 697–715. Download

Fu, W., & Lim, K. F. (2022). The constitutive role of state structures in strategic coupling: on the formation and evolution of Sino-German production networks in Jieyang, China. Economic Geography, 98(1), 25-48. Download

Lim, K. F., & Su, X. (2021). Cross‐border market building for narcotics control: A Polanyian analysis of the China–Myanmar border region. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46(4), 834-849. Download

Su, X. & Lim, K. F. (2019). Opium substitution, reciprocal control and the tensions of geoeconomic integration in the China–Myanmar Border. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(8), 1665-1683. Download

Lim, K. F. (2018) Strategic coupling, state capitalism, and the shifting dynamics of global production networks. Geography Compass, e12406. Download

Lim, K. F. (2018) Researching state rescaling in China: methodological reflections. Area Development and Policy, 3(2): 170-184. Download

Lim, K. F. (2017). State rescaling, policy experimentation and path dependency in post-Mao China: a  dynamic analytical framework. Regional Studies, 51(10), 1580-1593. Download

Lim, K. F. (2017) On the shifting spatial logics of socioeconomic regulation in post-1949 China. Territory, Politics, Governance 5(1): 65-91. Download

Lim, K. F. & Horesh, N. (2017). The Chongqing vs. Guangdong developmental ‘models’ in post-Mao China: Regional and historical perspectives on the dynamics of socioeconomic change. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 22(3), 372-395. Download

Horesh, N. and Lim, K. F. (2017) China: An East Asian Alternative to Neoliberalism? The Pacific Review. 30(4): 425-442. Download

Horesh, N. and Lim, K. F. (2017) The ‘China model’ as a complicated developmental trope. China: An International Journal 15(2), 166-176. Download

Lim, K. F. (2016) Emptying the cage, changing the birds’: State rescaling, path-dependency and the  politics of economic restructuring in post-crisis Guangdong’. New Political Economy 21(4): 414-435.

Lim, K. F. and Horesh, N. (2016) The ‘Singapore fever’ in China: Policy mobility and mutation. The China Quarterly, 228: 992-1017.

Lim, K. F. (2014) ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’: Uneven development, variegated neoliberalization and the dialectical differentiation of state spatiality. Progress in Human Geography 38(2): 221-247.

Lim, K. F. (2014) Spatial egalitarianism as a social ‘counter movement’: on socioeconomic reforms in Chongqing. Economy and Society 43(3): 455-493.

Lim, K. F. (2012) What you see is (not) what you get? The Taiwan question, geo-economic realities, and the “China threat” imaginary. Antipode 44(4): 1348-1373.

Lim, K. F. (2012) The point is to keep going: the global sub-prime mortgage crisis, local labour  market repositioning, and the capital accumulation dynamic in Singapore. Journal of Economic Geography 12(3): 693-716.

Lim, K. F. (2010) On China's growing geo-economic influence and the evolution of variegated  capitalism. Geoforum 41(5): 677-688.

Lim, K. F. (2006) “Transnational collaborations, local competitiveness: Mapping the geographies of filmmaking in/through Hong Kong” Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography 88(3): 337-357. Based partly on Master’s degree dissertation.

Lim, K. F. (2004) Where love dares (not) speak its name: The expression of homosexuality in Singapore. Urban Studies, 41(9): 1759-1788. Based on undergraduate dissertation.