
I’m an economic geographer with a primary research interest in how political and economic processes interact to shape urban and regional developmental outcomes. Everyday, I pursue this interest within one of the world’s largest research clusters of economic geographers at Newcastle University. Working with and learning from world-class colleagues and motivated students at Newcastle is a real treat that brings me immense joy and inspiration.


I was born and grew up in Singapore, a city-state in Southeast Asia. My development as a geographer began at the National University of Singapore, where I completed my undergraduate and Master’s degrees. I subsequently qualified as a trained teacher and spent three fulfilling years teaching Geography and English in a Singaporean secondary school. Then came an incredible opportunity to undertake my doctoral studies with two of the best economic geographers in the world - Trevor Barnes and Jamie Peck - at the University of British Columbia. After establishing solid foundations under Trevor and Jamie’s supervision in Vancouver, I moved to the UK to begin my academic career, first at the University of Nottingham and now at Newcastle University.


I hope to inspire students, policymakers, industrial practitioners and academic colleagues to understand the complex global political economy through a sharp geographical lens. Conducting and disseminating cutting-edge research is my primary method.